Opublikowane na Rzecznik Praw Pasażerów przy Prezesie Urzędu Lotnictwa Cywilnego (https://pasazerlotniczy.ulc.gov.pl/)


The applications are considered in accordance with the order of received. Due to a lot of applications submitted to the Ombudsman and the limited workers in the Ombudsman's Team, the waiting time for consideration of an application is now currently extended.
Applications from 1st quarter 2024 are currently being considered.

First, the application is checked of formal requirements. All necessary attachments that must be attached to the application are listed in the "Submit an Application" https://pasazerlotniczy.ulc.gov.pl/en/submit-an-application.

If the application is complete, a notice of initiation of proceeding shall be sent to the parties. After sending the notice of initiation, the ADR procedure lasts no more than 90 days (usually the final report is received by the parties after about 30-45 days).
The purpose of proceedings concerning out-of-court consumer dispute resolution carried out by the Passengers' Rights Ombudsman is to amicably resolve consumer disputes referred to in Article 205a of the Aviation Law. These proceedings mainly aim at developing such a solution which will be satisfying for both parties involved in the conflict. The Ombudsman helps in reaching agreement, but they do not issue decisions in the case.

Adres źródła: https://pasazerlotniczy.ulc.gov.pl/en/news/information-about-the-waiting-time-for-consideration-of-the-application-9